allAwards property

Map<String, Award> allAwards


static final Map<String, Award> allAwards = <String, Award>{
  "first_launch": Award(
      description: "Launch the app for the first time",
      formalName: "First",
      icon: Fluents.flStar),
  "first_scouted_match": Award(
      description: "Scout a match for the first time",
      formalName: "Rookie",
      icon: Fluents.flPottedPlant),
  "dedicated_scouter_1": Award(
      description: "Scout 10 matches",
      formalName: "Dedicated Scouter",
      icon: Fluents.fl3rdPlaceMedal),
  "dedicated_scouter_2": Award(
      description: "Scout 25 matches",
      formalName: "Dedicated Scouter",
      icon: Fluents.fl2ndPlaceMedal),
  "dedicated_scouter_3": Award(
      description: "Scout 50 matches",
      formalName: "Dedicated Scouter",
      icon: Fluents.fl1stPlaceMedal),
  "progressive_scouter": Award(
      description: "Earn 5 awards",
      formalName: "Progressive Scouter",
      icon: Fluents.flTrophy),